HR Expert: The Future Of Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management is one of the important pillars of a successful work place. When done properly, it can enhance employees’ experience at work which will benefit the company in terms of growth and the bottom line. Crossover Kenya had a Q&A session with HR Expert Director & Founder Juliet Gateri to find out more about the company and the HR field.
Crossover Kenya: How would you describe HR Expert?
HR Expert: HR Expert is a modern cloud-based HR software that reduces paper work, increases productivity and gives everyone time to concentrate on real work. We provide an all-in-one HR management and Payroll software which has everything a company needs to effectively handle their HR processes. We’re here to solve your HR challenges and let organisations focus on their core business. Our vision is to simplify the Human Resources process for Small, Medium Businesses in Africa. We want to change the way companies look at Human Resource Management and the role of HR managers.
Crossover Kenya: How did the idea to set up the company come about? Do you have a background in HR?
HR Expert: I was in full time employment for 5 years before transitioning to entrepreneurship. I started off as an accountant in Australia before switching to Operations and Human Resource Management when I came back to Kenya. I worked in an IT company managing projects helping small and medium businesses use digital products to transform their businesses. Most of the Business owners had issues in managing their Human Resource. That’s when I decided to start a Human Resource Management Company in 2013 when I left employment. We later developed HR Expert, a solution that uses technology to manage Human Resource processes in organizations, once we worked with different companies and learnt the key pain points faced in HR.
Crossover Kenya: Can you briefly explain what the all-in-one HR management software entails?
HR Expert: With the Cloud based HR software- companies can manage Payroll, Leave, Employee Data, Appraisal, Recruitment, Time Sheet, and Biometric Time Attendance.
Crossover Kenya: What challenges did you face while setting up the company?
HR Expert: The main challenge is educating customers on the benefits of using technology to enhance their businesses. Most organizations want to stick to the traditional way of doing things.
Crossover Kenya: In your experience, what HR issues do most companies, especially startups face?
HR Expert: Getting the right hires and setting up proper HR processes.
Crossover Kenya: How has your company and the HR sector in general been dealing with recent issues of the #metoo movement and calls for female empowerment in the workplace?
HR Expert: The #MeToo movement is an extension of disengagement and lack of meaningful connection in the workplace. Most of the issues were swept under the carpet to protect the reputation of different organizations and personalities. At times the HR is ignored. Because of the movement, HR can create a culture of transparency by implementing programs and processes where leaders regularly ask people how they’re doing and follow up on the outcomes of those conversations.
With Modern HR that promotes data analytics- like the HR expert Software- HR can have sufficient data to ensure equal treatment of staff- especially when it comes to pay, complaints and misconduct. Decisions can be made backed by data.
Crossover Kenya: Advice to budding entrepreneurs.
HR Expert: Think Big – Start small. And embrace persistence, continuous learning and adopt a global mindset.