JustNimu: Best Beauty And Hair Blog

Joan Miano of JustNimu blog writes about more than just natural hair.

Her blog has been nominated in the 2018 BAKE Awards Best Beauty And Hair Blog.

Joan chronicles her daily journey with natural hair giving honest reviews on products that work.

She tries the products on her own hair to be able to accurately and truthfully state whether they work or not based on their effect on her hair.

She also gives tips and tutorials on different types of hairstyles that compliment natural hair.

The blog is inviting and easy to navigate. It is set on a white background with high quality images to complement the great writing.

The blog posts are written in a conversational tone which is carried over in the accompanying videos.

Apart from talking about natural hair and fishing out a few beauty tips, Just Nimu also delves into a variety of topics of interest to Kenyans; women in particular. They range from the type of fashion style she favours to frank and open conversations about sex.

The BAKE Awards have extended their voting period to 7th May 2018 so you still have time to vote for Just Nimu in the Best Beauty and Hair Blog category.

Check out JustNimu here:


And don’t forget to vote.


Category 20, Option E