COVID-19 Test Results: How Texting Makes it Easy for Patients to Access Lab Results from Epic
Since COVID-19 began affecting our communities in March, nearly 75 million tests for the viral infection have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For the public health laboratories and clinics that are processing results, that’s a lot of tests to communicate to the patients following testing.
And, timely result delivery is especially important amidst the current public health crisis, as people who test positive for the virus should self-isolate as soon as possible in order to minimize the risk of spreading it to those around them. We don’t have days or weeks to wait for results.
That’s why healthcare organizations are relying on integrations with patient communication software and electronic health systems, like Epic Systems, to make it easier for patients to access COVID-19 test results and other labs. And, using HIPAA-compliant text messaging, healthcare professionals can automatically notify patients of test results, allowing them to quickly take action, whether positive or negative.